Large-scale genotyping in strawberry genomic selection

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Watch Dr Isobe of the Kazusa DNA Research Institute explain how large-scale genotyping can deliver a data driven breeding programme to significantly enhance breeders’ ability to produce superior innovative varieties of strawberries.  

Working with populations derived from breeding materials from five major Japanese strawberry breeding institutes:   

Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science (NARO) 
Tohoku Agricultural Research Center (NARO) 
Fukuoka Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center 
Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 
Chiba Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center

Kazusa DNA Research Institute created a prediction model based on trait values, genotyping data and GWAS analysis. Utilising this model in combination with trait evaluation to select individuals for crossbreeding for new generations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyping based on approximately 30 SNPs, was subsequently used to select seedlings to plant out in the main field.

Selection accuracy compared to conventional breeding methods can be significantly improved using oKtopure™ and IntelliQuibe™ to produce cost efficient large-scale data for selection of promising individuals.

Learning objectives

Learn how a successful prediction model was created using trait values, genotyping data and GWAS analysis. 
Examine the method of selection for crossbreeding using a prediction model in combination with trait evaluation. 
Understand the requirement to create a prediction model for each population due to the shifting nature of the strawberry genotyping composition from generation to generation.  
Discover the benefits of using KASP for the selection of young seedlings for planting. 




Dr Sachiko Isobe

Head of Laboratory of Plant Genomics and Genetics
Kazusa DNA Research Institute

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